Direct Hire & 4031 Process

Hiring Part-Time Employees without a Recruitment

The Direct Hire Process for hiring part-time hourly employees provides a means for departments to employ part-time wage (hourly) staff, without a recruitment, when an employee is needed to meet seasonal or temporary workload needs for short-term projects, as interim replacements or to perform jobs that do not require a classified employee.

The 4031 Process for hiring Non-Instructional Part-Time Faculty provides a means for departments to employ part time non-teaching and non-research faculty, without a recruitment, when an employee is needed to meet seasonal, temporary or causal workforce needs to perform responsibilities that are comparable to administrative and professional faculty.

Direct Hire Process

Employment of hourly employees must be fully supported by the timely completion of all employment paperwork. This includes hourly employees who are hired through recruitments as well as "direct hires."

Hiring supervisor has candidate complete a State Application for Employment and interviews candidate. Download and complete the application then print it out and sign it.

If this is a viable candidate for the job, hiring supervisor conducts two job-related reference checks (employee's current and/or former supervisors - NOT a personal reference), by completing a Reference Report.

If reference check is satisfactory, hiring supervisor completes an E-1 Hourly Staff Employment Form (leaving begin date blank), prepares a direct hire memo (see sample) and sends it to Human Resources along with the signed application.

Hiring supervisor must determine whether the candidate will need Visa sponsorship.

If the candidate needs Visa sponsorship, please include this information in the memo and contact the Office of Visa & Immigration Service Advising (VISA) for further guidance.

Therefore, the effective date should be at least 6 to 8 weeks out which gives VISA time to process necessary forms to establish when a candidate would be cleared to begin working on campus.

Human Resources will review the application and position description to determine whether this candidate is minimally qualified.

If the candidate is qualified for the position, the Recruitment & Employment Assistant will notify the candidate to come in to complete a criminal background form.

Once the background results have returned and are satisfactory, the hiring supervisor will be contacted to make the job offer. Please allow five business days before the employee's first workday. This will allow the Recruitment & Employment Assistant time to setup an onboarding account.

If the position has been accepted, the Recruitment & Employment Assistant will send the candidate a hire letter and notification to complete the employment paperwork in the onboarding portal. No person can begin work until approved by Human Resources and all documents have been submitted.

4031 Process

Employment of non-instructional part time faculty must be fully supported by the timely completion of all employment paperwork.

4031 Non-Instructional Part Time Faculty Temporary Employment Payroll Form
The salary paid must be a minimum of $684 per week and for no longer than a period of 12 months. If the person will be employed for a month or longer, the following process must be followed:

Hiring supervisor has candidate complete a resume and interviews candidate.

If from the resume and interview the hiring supervisor determines this is a viable candidate for the job, hiring supervisor will submit the resume and the Part Time Position Description Form.

Human Resources will review the part time position description form to determine whether the assignment should be classified as non-instructional part time faculty (4031).

If the candidate is qualified for the assignment, the Recruitment & Employment Assistant will notify the candidate to come in to complete a criminal background form, if applicable.

Once the background results have returned and are satisfactory, the hiring supervisor will be contacted to make the job offer. Please allow five business days before the employee's first workday. This will allow the Recruitment & Employment Assistant time to setup an onboarding account.

If the position has been accepted, the Recruitment & Employment Assistant will send the candidate a hire letter and notification to complete the employment paperwork in the onboarding portal. No person can begin work until approved by Human Resources and all documents have been submitted.

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